Wednesday, 30 January 2008

little monks and lunch time

lunch time in the hall,

Monday, 28 January 2008

Dhamek Stupa

Deer park or Isipatana, the site of the First Sermon and the first founding of the Sangha or Monkhood. This imposing stupa is cylindrical in shape, 28.5 m in basal diameter and 43.6 m tall...

Thursday, 24 January 2008

i'm in Buddhist teaching class ^_^

me and the flowers I set in front of the class every sunday...

40 Meditations III

Part 3 : The ten kinds of foulness; corpses at different stage of decay, this kind of meditation is suitable for person with lust or greed behavior.
1. Bloated corpse; swollen-up corpse
2. Bluish discolored corpse; livid corpse
3. Festering corpse
4. Split or cut up corpse; disjoint corpse
5. Gnawed corpse
6. Scattered corpse; mangled corpse
7. Hacked and scattered corpse; mutilated and mangled corpse
8. Blood-stained corpse; bleeding corpse
9. Worm-infested corpse
10. Skeleton

Monday, 21 January 2008

40 Meditations II

The first house of Buddha after the enlightenment,Mulagandhakuti or Main Shrine, Sarnath India

Part 2; The ten meditation devices; object of meditation; the method of inducing concentration by gazing and reciting at any of the ten objects.(make the object in round shape, appropriate size and clear from other object)
1. The Earth-Kasina
2. The Water-Kasina
3. The Fire-Kasina
4. The Air-Kasina or Wind-Kasina
1. The Green-Kasina
2. The Yellow-Kasina
3. The White-Kasina
4. THe Red-Kasina
1. The Light-Kasina
2. The Space-Kasina
(to be continued...) ^_^

Friday, 18 January 2008

40 Meditations I

Part I : The ten constant mindfulness; Reflection; Recollection,
1. Recollection of the Buddha; contemplation on the virtues of the Buddha.
2. Recollection of the Dhamma; contemplation on the virtues of the Doctrine.
3. Recollection of the Sangha, the nobleones; contemplation on the virtues of the Order.
4. Recollection of morality; contemplation on one's own morals.
5. Recollection of liberality; contemplation on one's own liberality.
6. Recollection of deities; contemplation on the virtues which make people become gods as can be found in oneself.
7. Mindfulness of death; contemplation on death.
8. Mindfulness occupied with the body; contemplation on the 32 impure parts of the body.
9. Mindfulness on breathing.
10. Recollection of peace; contemplation on the virtue of Nibbana.
(to be continued...) =^_^=

Thursday, 17 January 2008

my artwork with the protectors & the pilgrims

Mulagandhakuti (Main Shrine),Sarnath, Varanasi, the first hermitage of Lord Buddha after the enlightenment...where the Buddha did his meditation.

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

guess where am i?

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

exhibition day

Monday, 14 January 2008

my artwork

Friday, 11 January 2008

eye catching

It's not the sunlight that make my heart so warm...but it's his generosity.
This monk gives money to the children, like following Buddha's path before the enlightenment's way...

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Wat Thai Kusinara : Kusinara Thai temple

Village of Kasia,
It's about 200 kms. from Himalayas and much cold in winter, I stayed here for 2 nights, waked up early in the morning, wearing big sweater and making the fumes from mouth...very funny! But I feel for people around, they wear just thin cloths...This place, Loard Buddha's sick much before passing away. People in Thailand, monks and Indian people, donated money to build a hospital near wat Thai Kusinara for poor people can reach the cure and medicine in small charge...only 8 rupees per time for every disease...and I donated some money for this foundation can be there if you get sick next time at India.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

I'm not guilty

Yes, we are forbidden...but I want to pay respect the sacred places as the Buddha's here didn't mean to destroy...really!

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Makutabandhana Stupa II

After the cremation, the relics were divided into eight equal portions by the brahmin Dona, who distributed them to eight clans, namely:
- King Ajatasattu of Magadha,
- the Licchavis of Vesali,
- the Sakyans of Kapilavatthu,
- the Bulians of Allakappa,
- the Koliyans of Ramagama,
- the brahman of Vethadipa,
- the Mallas of Pava,
- the Mallas of Kushinagar,
And I'm not sure the relics of Golden mount in Thailand which the King RamaIV got from India, is from Kapilavatthu stupa or another place...I will check it later...

Monday, 7 January 2008

Makutabandhana Stupa

After his Mahaparinibbana,nirvana, his body was taken into the town by the northern gate and out through the eastern gate to the shrine of the Mallas called the Makutabandhana. They were unable to light the funeral pyre until Ven.Maha Kassapa came and paid his respects...

Friday, 4 January 2008

I'm lost

enjoy taking photos, don't know where everybody is...


Three months before he reached the age of eighty, the Buddha renounced his will to live at the Capala Shrine in Vesali. Travelling in stages via Pava where he ate his last meal, offered by the smith Cunda, he reached the final resting-place at the Sala grove of the Mallas by the bank of the Hirannavti river in Kushinagar. There, on the full-moon day of Wesak in 543 BC, the Buddha passed into Mahaparinbbana, the passing away into Nibbana wherein the elements of clinging do not more rebirth. The Buddha was lying on his right side between two Sala trees with his head to the north when he breathed his last.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Mahaparinibbana Stupa, Nirvana Stupa

Kusinara or Kushinagar is in the village of Kasia in the Deoria district of Uttar Pradesh. The nearest town is Gorakhpur, 55 km away. By road, Kushinagar is 130 km south of Lumbini, 250 km east of Sravasti and 250 km north of Patna. All distances are approximate. There are now 2 good hotels for pilgrims to stay in at Kushinagar.

the passing away

"Handa 'dani bhikkhave amantayami vo; Vaya-dhamma sankhara. Appamadena sampadetha."

"Indeed, bhikkhus, I declare this to you: It is the nature of all conditioned things to perish. Accomplish all your duties with mindfulness."

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

for our Royal Princess,

We still have sorrow, but we should know sorrow as it is. Sorrow or grief is a kind of aversion, it's dislike of something we experience. It's natural that we feel grief. It's bound to arise when there're conditions for it. We had aversion in the past and this conditions the arising of aversion today. Ignorance of realities conditions everything which is unwholsesome and thus also aversion. Aversion is also conditioned by attachment. We're attached to the pleasant feeling we have when we are in the company of someone who's dare to us. When that person isn't there anymore we have grief. Thus, it's actually a selfish clinging to our own pleasant feeling which conditions grief. This may sound crude, but if we are sincere to ourselves we can see that it's true...

with love for the Royal Princess, King's sister, who passed away early in this morning...all good things you have done will always on my mind.

nirvana place finally

Mahaparinibbana Buddha image with our golden color cloth and our lotus,
80 years old of age,
choose this place for the nirvana,
90 days walked to Kushinagar,
45 years of teaching,
Leader of leaders,
with love and respect...