Part 4:
A: 4 holy abidings; sublime states of mind; abidings of the Great ones; unbounded states of mind; unlimited.
1.metta, Loving-kindness; friendliness; goodwill (metta is the hatelessness, amity, the wholesome sens-objects to unlimited person even to a person we dislike.)
3.sympathetic joy; altruistic joy
4.equanimity; neutrality; poise
B: determining of the four elements, attention given to element, meditation on the elements; meditation subject consisting of elements both inside our body and things outside.
1.the earth-element (stronge and soft)
2.the water-element (refreshed, flowing, cohesion and imbued)
3.the fire-element (hot and cold)
4.the air-element (tight, slack, motion and vibration)
C: contemplation of impure food
D: the four formless trances; the four absorptions of the formless-sphere; immaterial states which is needed Jhanas of the fine-material sphere before do this formless spheres.
1.sphere of infinity of space
2.sphere of infinity of consciousness
3.sphere of nothingness
4.sphere of neither perception nor non-perception